Who would've thought that Ben Affleck would make a good director? We all know he can write through his contributions to 'Good Will Hunting' and the brilliant 'Gone Baby Gone', which he directed also, but still it's Ben Affleck. Joking aside, 'The Town' is a top draw film that I enjoyed very much. Oscar winner Ben Affleck delivers in all departments: the script is great, the directing also, and his performance as the main character is flawless. It would be pushing it to say that he could win the Oscar for best actor for it, but best director or screenplay? You never know. One person who could get an Oscar out of this is 'The Hurt Locker' star and Oscar nominee, Jeremy Renner. His portrayal of the psychotic Jim is extremely tense, as he shifts emotion effortlessly throughout.
I'm not sure if it's only me, but I look forward to seeing what Ben Affleck comes up with next. In a way he's similar to Shane Meadows, except his films are made on a much big bigger scale. Some of you reading might be thinking, 'What are you on about you mug, that's a ridiculous comparison!' Well, Affleck, like Meadows, keeps his stories very close to home, even though he never lived directly in Boston. What I mean is that his subject matters are gritty and realistic, and relate to the places they're set in. He's original in this sense and that's why I look forward to seeing his next projects. 4 stars for this one.