I have just come back from watching 'The Social Network' at the cinema and it's the first time in a small while that i've not come out of the cinema thinking 'how the fuck can the people making this film truly believe that they've made something even remotely good'. The last time i haven't had to react in such a way was when i went to see the animated masterpiece that is 'The Illisionist'; and the last time i did have to react that way i had watched the ridiculous 'Scott Pilgrim vs. The World'...unbelievable how incredibly shite that film was. But moving on, 'The Social Network' for me is a hit. Why? Well, It's got Jesse Eisenburg's trademark wit mixed in with the true story behind facebook, and some great performances, not only from Eisenberg himself, as expected. I haven't seen Andrew Garfield in anything else but this film but after his performance as Eduardo Saverin, co-founder of facebook, i'm sure we'll be seeing his face a lot more. Obviously, I don't know Eduardo Saverin so I can't really judge on whether it's a good portrayal of the geezer or not, but Garfield is convincing and proves to be a very 3-dimensional character in terms of the emotions he can unleash. Even JT puts in a good performance Sean Parker, entrepreneur and founder of Napster. I liked how the film was structured in terms of moving back and forth in time, it meant that the story never dragged on and i felt they did well to keep the story together so that it was understandable throughout. Though the film is not perfect it is still 100% enjoyable. Four to four and a half stars for this one.
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