Sunday, 7 November 2010

Another Year

Mike Leigh is back with a new film and I must say after watching it that I don't think he will ever lose his touch. The way the characters are presented and developed throughout is absolutely amazing. We can learn so much about Mike Leigh's characters just through their mannerisms and this is owed to the actors of course but mostly I think to how Mike Leigh creates them. What I love about a lot of Mike Leigh's films is that nothing can happen, but everything can happen at the same time. Though there is not much of a beginning middle and end in terms of actions, we are led through the lives of many different people, some growing old and being able to adapt to that part of life, others who are struggling to come to terms with growing old and being alone in the process. Another thing I love most about Mike Leigh's films is how real his characters really are. Every time I watch one of his films, whether it's 'Meantime', 'Life is Sweet' or 'Another Year', I can't help but relate his characters to somebody i know, friend or relative. The way in which he captures real life and satirizes it is a classic example of why he is one of the greatest film makers around, for me. I give 'Another Year' 4 stars, purely because my only criticism is that the film may be better understood by people that are older than I am. Regardless of this point I enjoyed it very much. Great performances all round, from Leigh's regulars to those who are new to his films and it is a great film to add to Mike Leigh's collection of masterpieces.

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