Released in 2005, 'The Proposition' boasts a talented batch of actors and a talented writer in Nick Cave, so for me there was never really any doubt that i'd enjoy it. It starts off with lawman, Captain Stanley (Ray Winstone), capturing brothers Mike Burns (Richard Wilson) and Charles Burns (Guy Pearce) for their supposed involvement in a horrific crime. Captain Stanley tells Charles that his borther Mike will be hung on Christmas unless he kill his older brother, Arthur Burns (Danny Huston), the real suspect for this crime. Guy Pearce puts on a flawless performance and does very well with the Irish accent. Ray Winstone also puts on a great performance as the Captain desperate to achieve great things for Australia, it's not often he has to play a weak character and he does so extremely well. Nick Cave's script is flawless also, so to is the music as it fits in well with the stunning photography and cinematography of the film. 5 stars, no doubt about it. Lets hope Nick Cave can team up with Ray Winstone again in The Death Of Of Bunny Munro.
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